German Cockroaches
German Cockroaches are the cockroaches that everyone in Florida should be concerned about. Of the few species of cockroaches that exist, it is the most troublesome and most widespread.
The German Cockroach is a small species of cockroach that varies in color from tan to almost black with two black horizontal stripes located on the pronotum immediately behind the head. Adult German Cockroaches can grow to a length of 13-16 mm.
German Cockroaches complete their life cycle in approximately 100 days, and they breed continuously. Under ideal conditions, it has been estimated that one female German roach can be the cause of a population explosion of over 1 million or more German roaches! Preferring areas near food, moisture and warmth, the warm temperatures of South Florida creates an environment where the Greman Cockaroach will thrive.
Because of their small size, German Cockroaches can get everywhere. These invasive, filth-spreading pests can hide in the smallest spaces. They are also known to hide in boxes, bags, suitcases and other items that are brought into your home from an infested place. If your home is a multi-unit home such as a condo or apartment, these filthy invaders can easily move from unit to unit.
German Cockroaches are attracted to many different things. As long as they have food, water and protection, they can live anywhere – including inside of used luggage, furniture and electronics. (They LOVE used electronics.. they gravitate to the warmth of the electronics and feast on the glue on the circuit boards.) Typical areas German Cockroaches can be found are: • Under Sinks • Inside Kitchen Cabinets • In and around Garbage Containers
The worst thing about German Cockroaches is how they spread filth and bacteria. They adulterate food or food products with their feces and defensive secretions and can spread anything from the bacteria that causes food poisoning and dysentery to allergens that result in rashes and asthma attacks.
Treatment and Prevention
The easiest way to prevent a German Cockroach infestation is to practice clean living and good sanitation. There have been numerous times that The Bug Man, Inc has been called to a home for a German Cockroach Infestation only to find that the tenants did not have good sanitary habits . (see the photo on the right). Simple things you can do to prevent a German Cockroach infestation are:
- Removing and emptying indoor trash.
- Regularly sanitizing your outdoor trash receptacles.
- Cleaning kitchen sinks and removing any food particles as they accumulate.
- Rinsing dishes so that no residue food residue remains if placing in your sink or dishwasher temporarily.
- Routinely cleaning all kitchen appliances so that they ar food free and grease free.
- Picking up pet food dishes.
- Sweeping or vacuuming of any food particles or crumbs.
- Get rid of empty soft drink bottles, paper bags and cardboard boxes.
German Cockroach Control/Treatment
If you discover you have a German Cockroach infestation, or would like to start a plan to prevent one, The Bug Man, Inc has several Pest Control options available, including pet-friendly treatments. Pricing and treatment all depend on your needs and degree of infestation. Contact The Bug Man, Inc today, for your free no-charge consultation.
Photograph of a German Cockroach